- Yes, I just came back from Mexico.
Whose pictures are they?
- Bob Hope.
- Are they all pictures of Bob Hope?
- Yeah.
- No, no, there's one different.
One looks like what's-his-name from China.
The premiere, right? Chu? Is it Chu? Was it Chu?
Is there some kind of connection?
- I hope not.
Are you generally a happy man?
- Certainly!
- Why?
- Because I live the type of life I do.
- What type of life is that?
- The type that you don't.
- What makes you happy?
- I love this country and I love the people here.
What's it all about?
- I wouldn't know.
- My boy is Bob Hope. I like Bob Hope. I don't like the other guy.
Are we on television?
- No.