The beginning of „Alice“ was told to me one summer afternoon when the sun was so hot we landed in the meadows down the river, deserting the boat to take refuge in the only bit of shade to be found, which was under a newly made hayrick. Here from all three of us, my sisters and myself, came the old petition, 'Tell us a story' and Mr. Dodgson began it.
- Alice Liddel
1862/1865/07/04 - London Charles Lutwidge Dodgson unterhält die Schwestern Alice, Edith und Lorina Liddell, bei einem gemeinsam unternommenen Ausflug, mit einer selbst erdachten Geschichte.
Alice bittet ihn, diese aufzuschreiben und auf den Tag genau drei Jahre später, erscheint in London die von Dodgson unter seinem Pseudonym Lewis Carroll veröffentlichte Erstausgabe von „Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland“.
The First Line
»Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, „and what is the use of a book,“ thought Alice „without pictures or conversation?“«
Julia Margaret Cameron (English, 1815-1879)
Alice Liddell / Pomona
Albumen silver print from glass negative
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
„Alice Liddell (1852-1934) – who, as a child, was Lewis Carroll’s muse and frequent photographic model – posed for Cameron a dozen times in August and September 1872. Against a dense background of foliage and bedecked with flowers, the twenty-year-old Liddell was photographed by Cameron as the embodiment of fruitful abundance, Pomona, Roman goddess of gardens and fruit trees.“
Alice Liddell / Pomona
Albumen silver print from glass negative
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
„Alice Liddell (1852-1934) – who, as a child, was Lewis Carroll’s muse and frequent photographic model – posed for Cameron a dozen times in August and September 1872. Against a dense background of foliage and bedecked with flowers, the twenty-year-old Liddell was photographed by Cameron as the embodiment of fruitful abundance, Pomona, Roman goddess of gardens and fruit trees.“